Piggy bank dragon city
Piggy bank dragon city

Now and then one of the Gonzales children dropped a coin through the slot on his back. Every day Mama Gonzales dusted him off and gave him a loving pat on the head. In a little house in a little town in Mexico there was a piggy bank. So when personal fave and fellow San Antonian, Jack Kent, dedicated this book para mis amigos mejicanos, he meant it. I'd be hard pressed to think of a family here that isn't mixed in some way making for a wonderfully multicultural place to live. The two cultures are pretty much one and the same (as in the food term, Tex-Mex). The population here is largely Hispanic and has been, like, forever. What makes San Antonio, and Texas, particularly unique is its proximity to Mexico. I bet ya'll didn't know that, did you? It certainly doesn't pop to mind when you think about big metropolitan centers in the U.S., but it's up there. The boy and I live in San Antonio, the seventh largest city in the United States. It needs to fuck off and let something more worthwhile take its place.Jack Kent ~ Parents' Magazine Press, 1978 At least the divine pass still gives a little bit of reward for meeting its conditions even if you don’t pay for it… but with this thing, you might succumb to the sunk-cost fallacy and shell out money you wouldn’t otherwise, just so you feel like your effort wasn’t wasted! This thing is just plain scummy. So it’s nothing but a big fat fuck you to new f2ps, making them feel like they’re working toward something when they really aren’t. Quite exciting! I went out of my way to fill it as quickly as possible… only to find that I’m supposed to pay 4$ in order to open it at all. When I was starting out back in December, I saw a meter filling up toward 120 gems.

piggy bank dragon city piggy bank dragon city

But on top of that, it’s also deceptive to new players. What’s even the point? Its value is awful compared to the 2$ gem/food deal that’s available more often than not, so it’s just a constant annoyance.

piggy bank dragon city

Seriously, I’m so tired of this useless little prick popping up every 10 seconds.

Piggy bank dragon city